Objective 1: Provide resources for implementing the Plan 

The Dublin Community Plan identifies major policy directions as established through extensive public input and the work of City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and other appointed boards and commissions. The allocation of City-wide resources, whether by new resources or by the reallocation of those already existing, should be targeted to achieve agreed upon policy directives. 

A. Update Capital Improvements Programs… to ensure that major projects are in line with the Community Plan. The CIP is a fundamental management document that outlines projected capital needs, funding estimates and sources, and time frames for completion. In updating CIPs each year, the City should monitor implementation to ensure that they are consistent with the recommendations of the Community Plan. 

B. Develop Departmental Budgets and Programs… in a manner that ensures awareness and demonstrates consistency with the Community Plan. 

C. Identify and Secure Funds… to complete prioritized initiatives addressed by the Plan. Funding efforts should focus specifically on strategies that the community has identified as being a high priority. Funding can include a broad range of grants, tax measures, bonds, private investments, etc. that may be comprised of a range of municipal, governmental, and private sector investment. The community should seek to maximize the use of non-municipal resources, and implementation should occur in line with annual budget cycles. 

D. Analyze Economic and Regulatory Incentives… to ensure consistency with the general policies, plans and objectives of the Community Plan. The City should determine appropriate economic and regulatory incentives that can be instituted and targeted to achieve critical development and redevelopment objectives contained within the Plan. 

E. Continue Ongoing Monitoring… to ensure fiscal accountability for the City in the undertaking of all responsibilities, including those associated with the implementation of the Community Plan’s many major policy objectives and strategies. 

Objective 2: Develop appropriate regulatory tools to implement the Plan

In addition to locating and allocating resources necessary to meet the goals of the Plan, significant efforts will be needed to evaluate applicable development regulations to ensure alignment with the general policy direction of the community’s land use objectives. Preparing and adopting updated regulatory tools will facilitate implementation of the Plan. 

A. Update Development Regulations… as recommended by the Plan to address major land use policy initiatives that conflict with existing zoning and subdivision requirements. Major emphasis should be placed on ensuring that regulations help achieve the major goals of adopted land use policies, as well as facilitate faster and easier implementation of general design elements as indicated in adopted area plan concepts. 

B. Monitor New Regulations… and make adjustments as necessary. As new regulations are utilized, outcomes should be evaluated to determine whether desired results are being obtained as recommended through the Plan. Modifications should be approved as necessary over time. 

Objective 3: Require concurrence with the Community Plan. 

Future public and private decisions in the community regarding development, capital improvements, and budgeting should concur with applicable provisions of the Community Plan to ensure movement toward common goals and objectives. 

A. Require Concurrence in Rezoning Requests… and other major development approvals to applicable policies contained within the Community Plan. Actions by boards, commissions and City staff should document concurrence in decisions, and year end reports should be considered to track adherence to the Plan’s major objectives. In some instances, it may be appropriate to consider amendments to the Community Plan based on new planning and development decisions enacted by City Council. Where concurrence with the Plan would result in a conflict with other established city policy, a recommendation for Plan amendment should be considered as part of the documented decision. 

B. Require Interpretations of the Plan… made through the development process to be made in writing when details or elements of the Plan are not clearly defined. Findings and interpretation by the Planning and Zoning Commission should be clearly placed within the public record to ensure consistency in applying the language of the Plan in day-to-day situations. 

C. Reference the Plan in Reports… during the development process. City reports and correspondence relating to policy suggestions, work programs and budgets should reference relevant recommendations contained within the Community Plan whenever possible. 

Objective 4: Involve stakeholders in the Plan’s implementation

As implementation of the Community Plan gets underway, the City of Dublin will collaborate with a host of stakeholders. This will include local boards and commissions, community organizations, and other parties with particular interest in specific objectives and strategies. Such partnerships will be critical to the long-term, successful implementation of the Plan. 

A. Consider Community-Based Task Forces/Committees… to assist with implementation of the major objectives and strategies of the Community Plan. City Council may consider establishing membership and specific responsibilities for particular groups charged with ensuring implementation of the Plan. 

B. Engage Non-Governmental Groups… such as civic organizations, institutions, non-profit entities, businesses and other groups within the City who can provide assistance to implement components of the Plan. Such partners can provide critical assistance for success, and the City may consider appointing joint public-private committees to lead implementation of specific strategies. 

C. Establish Public Education Programs… to provide basic information about the general purpose, content and implementation of the Community Plan. As a key component to developing the Plan, public outreach and involvement should provide residents with ongoing opportunities to become familiar with and understand their role in achieving the goals of the Plan. Various methods such as public events and promotional information should be considered to enhance general knowledge of the Plan. 

D. Provide Educational Opportunities… to consider innovative planning and development practices. Educational programs and materials should be developed to examine site planning and design concepts utilized in other communities and to stay abreast of current planning topics. Regular travel opportunities with City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City staff should be encouraged to visit case studies first hand and to provide coordinated policy discussion of appropriate development examples. 

E. Publicize the Community Plan… and make final copies of the planning document widely available to the public on the City Website and at various public institutions. Wide distribution is encouraged to make the Plan available for education and outreach, as well as to allow developers and property owners to become familiar with the Plan and its many recommendations. Additional public relations materials such as summary documents of the Plan should be distributed throughout the community as a way to help people identify the major components of the Plan and to provide reference to the larger Plan. 

Objective 5: Monitor and Evaluate Plan Implementation

The intent of the Community Plan is to shape future direction of the City in a manner that reflects those changes that are desired by the community. Implementation of the Community Plan should be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that the policy document is being successfully implemented. 

A. Prepare and Present Annual Reports… to summarize the status of all action items within the Plan. The report should highlight key accomplishments and strategies that have been completed over the course of the year, as well as identify delays in implementation that should be addressed. Any modifications to the Plan throughout the year should also be highlighted for informational purposes. 

B. Issue Press Releases… that describe the status of the Plan to the local media and the general public. Promotional brochures, information packets, presentations or other methods should be considered to inform the media and public of the changing status of implementation efforts. News releases should also be made to promote significant accomplishments relative to particular strategies to publicize successes. 

C. Hold Annual Review Meetings… between City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and evaluate progress toward implementation of the Plan. 

D. Conduct Yearly Project Tours… with City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to study approved construction projects and complete post-evaluations of site planning, design and architectural issues relating to Dublin development. 

Objective 6: Update the Community Plan at least every five years

As a flexible and changing document, the Community Plan should be updated no less than every five years as a sufficient time frame to consider changing conditions that impact the Plan’s policies. Yearly updates and continued use of transportation, land use and fiscal models should be emphasized to ensure ongoing maintenance and consistency with policy direction contained within the Plan. 

A. Utilize Flexible Media/Formats… for the planning document to ensure the capability to reach the greatest number of people in a manner that will allow for modification and change as necessary and to enhance public interaction with the document. Greater knowledge and use of the Plan will help identify and facilitate future modifications. Selected media formats should provide the capability to modify the planning document in a fast and efficient manner.

B. Encourage Yearly Updates… to the Community Plan that will establish a yearly maintenance practice. Establishing a defined schedule will reduce the need for major overhauls and lengthy public processes that complicate the ability to provide accurate and relevant information. Given established modeling frameworks, future updates to the Plan should not involve public participation processes greater than 18 months to complete. 

C. Use Intermediate Public Surveys… as a means to continually address major public policy direction. The results of inquiries to the general public should be used to evaluate changes or identify potential shifts in community preferences that should be considered in future Plan updates. 

D. Maintain Planning Models… in a ongoing manner to ensure that base information is accurate and reflects changing conditions within the City. Utilization of modeling tools compatible with other government agencies should play an integral part in facilitating future regional planning studies and addressing multi-jurisdictional issues. 

Objective 1: Provide resources for implementing the Plan 

The Dublin Community Plan identifies major policy directions as established through extensive public input and the work of City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and other appointed boards and commissions. The allocation of City-wide resources, whether by new resources or by the reallocation of those already existing, should be targeted to achieve agreed upon policy directives. 

A. Update Capital Improvements Programs… to ensure that major projects are in line with the Community Plan. The CIP is a fundamental management document that outlines projected capital needs, funding estimates and sources, and time frames for completion. In updating CIPs each year, the City should monitor implementation to ensure that they are consistent with the recommendations of the Community Plan. 

B. Develop Departmental Budgets and Programs… in a manner that ensures awareness and demonstrates consistency with the Community Plan. 

C. Identify and Secure Funds… to complete prioritized initiatives addressed by the Plan. Funding efforts should focus specifically on strategies that the community has identified as being a high priority. Funding can include a broad range of grants, tax measures, bonds, private investments, etc. that may be comprised of a range of municipal, governmental, and private sector investment. The community should seek to maximize the use of non-municipal resources, and implementation should occur in line with annual budget cycles. 

D. Analyze Economic and Regulatory Incentives… to ensure consistency with the general policies, plans and objectives of the Community Plan. The City should determine appropriate economic and regulatory incentives that can be instituted and targeted to achieve critical development and redevelopment objectives contained within the Plan. 

E. Continue Ongoing Monitoring… to ensure fiscal accountability for the City in the undertaking of all responsibilities, including those associated with the implementation of the Community Plan’s many major policy objectives and strategies. 

Objective 2: Develop appropriate regulatory tools to implement the Plan

In addition to locating and allocating resources necessary to meet the goals of the Plan, significant efforts will be needed to evaluate applicable development regulations to ensure alignment with the general policy direction of the community’s land use objectives. Preparing and adopting updated regulatory tools will facilitate implementation of the Plan. 

A. Update Development Regulations… as recommended by the Plan to address major land use policy initiatives that conflict with existing zoning and subdivision requirements. Major emphasis should be placed on ensuring that regulations help achieve the major goals of adopted land use policies, as well as facilitate faster and easier implementation of general design elements as indicated in adopted area plan concepts. 

B. Monitor New Regulations… and make adjustments as necessary. As new regulations are utilized, outcomes should be evaluated to determine whether desired results are being obtained as recommended through the Plan. Modifications should be approved as necessary over time. 

Objective 3: Require concurrence with the Community Plan. 

Future public and private decisions in the community regarding development, capital improvements, and budgeting should concur with applicable provisions of the Community Plan to ensure movement toward common goals and objectives. 

A. Require Concurrence in Rezoning Requests… and other major development approvals to applicable policies contained within the Community Plan. Actions by boards, commissions and City staff should document concurrence in decisions, and year end reports should be considered to track adherence to the Plan’s major objectives. In some instances, it may be appropriate to consider amendments to the Community Plan based on new planning and development decisions enacted by City Council. Where concurrence with the Plan would result in a conflict with other established city policy, a recommendation for Plan amendment should be considered as part of the documented decision. 

B. Require Interpretations of the Plan… made through the development process to be made in writing when details or elements of the Plan are not clearly defined. Findings and interpretation by the Planning and Zoning Commission should be clearly placed within the public record to ensure consistency in applying the language of the Plan in day-to-day situations. 

C. Reference the Plan in Reports… during the development process. City reports and correspondence relating to policy suggestions, work programs and budgets should reference relevant recommendations contained within the Community Plan whenever possible. 

Objective 4: Involve stakeholders in the Plan’s implementation

As implementation of the Community Plan gets underway, the City of Dublin will collaborate with a host of stakeholders. This will include local boards and commissions, community organizations, and other parties with particular interest in specific objectives and strategies. Such partnerships will be critical to the long-term, successful implementation of the Plan. 

A. Consider Community-Based Task Forces/Committees… to assist with implementation of the major objectives and strategies of the Community Plan. City Council may consider establishing membership and specific responsibilities for particular groups charged with ensuring implementation of the Plan. 

B. Engage Non-Governmental Groups… such as civic organizations, institutions, non-profit entities, businesses and other groups within the City who can provide assistance to implement components of the Plan. Such partners can provide critical assistance for success, and the City may consider appointing joint public-private committees to lead implementation of specific strategies. 

C. Establish Public Education Programs… to provide basic information about the general purpose, content and implementation of the Community Plan. As a key component to developing the Plan, public outreach and involvement should provide residents with ongoing opportunities to become familiar with and understand their role in achieving the goals of the Plan. Various methods such as public events and promotional information should be considered to enhance general knowledge of the Plan. 

D. Provide Educational Opportunities… to consider innovative planning and development practices. Educational programs and materials should be developed to examine site planning and design concepts utilized in other communities and to stay abreast of current planning topics. Regular travel opportunities with City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City staff should be encouraged to visit case studies first hand and to provide coordinated policy discussion of appropriate development examples. 

E. Publicize the Community Plan… and make final copies of the planning document widely available to the public on the City Website and at various public institutions. Wide distribution is encouraged to make the Plan available for education and outreach, as well as to allow developers and property owners to become familiar with the Plan and its many recommendations. Additional public relations materials such as summary documents of the Plan should be distributed throughout the community as a way to help people identify the major components of the Plan and to provide reference to the larger Plan. 

Objective 5: Monitor and Evaluate Plan Implementation

The intent of the Community Plan is to shape future direction of the City in a manner that reflects those changes that are desired by the community. Implementation of the Community Plan should be monitored on a regular basis to ensure that the policy document is being successfully implemented. 

A. Prepare and Present Annual Reports… to summarize the status of all action items within the Plan. The report should highlight key accomplishments and strategies that have been completed over the course of the year, as well as identify delays in implementation that should be addressed. Any modifications to the Plan throughout the year should also be highlighted for informational purposes. 

B. Issue Press Releases… that describe the status of the Plan to the local media and the general public. Promotional brochures, information packets, presentations or other methods should be considered to inform the media and public of the changing status of implementation efforts. News releases should also be made to promote significant accomplishments relative to particular strategies to publicize successes. 

C. Hold Annual Review Meetings… between City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and evaluate progress toward implementation of the Plan. 

D. Conduct Yearly Project Tours… with City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to study approved construction projects and complete post-evaluations of site planning, design and architectural issues relating to Dublin development. 

Objective 6: Update the Community Plan at least every five years

As a flexible and changing document, the Community Plan should be updated no less than every five years as a sufficient time frame to consider changing conditions that impact the Plan’s policies. Yearly updates and continued use of transportation, land use and fiscal models should be emphasized to ensure ongoing maintenance and consistency with policy direction contained within the Plan. 

A. Utilize Flexible Media/Formats… for the planning document to ensure the capability to reach the greatest number of people in a manner that will allow for modification and change as necessary and to enhance public interaction with the document. Greater knowledge and use of the Plan will help identify and facilitate future modifications. Selected media formats should provide the capability to modify the planning document in a fast and efficient manner.

B. Encourage Yearly Updates… to the Community Plan that will establish a yearly maintenance practice. Establishing a defined schedule will reduce the need for major overhauls and lengthy public processes that complicate the ability to provide accurate and relevant information. Given established modeling frameworks, future updates to the Plan should not involve public participation processes greater than 18 months to complete. 

C. Use Intermediate Public Surveys… as a means to continually address major public policy direction. The results of inquiries to the general public should be used to evaluate changes or identify potential shifts in community preferences that should be considered in future Plan updates. 

D. Maintain Planning Models… in a ongoing manner to ensure that base information is accurate and reflects changing conditions within the City. Utilization of modeling tools compatible with other government agencies should play an integral part in facilitating future regional planning studies and addressing multi-jurisdictional issues.