Special area plans provide an illustrative framework to guide development in a way that fosters a sense of place and establishes community identity in key locations.
While the future land use plan ensures compatible and coordinated growth throughout Dublin, key areas of the City will undergo significant change. In those areas where substantial development and redevelopment activity is likely, special area plans provide an illustrative framework to guide development in a way that fosters a sense of place and establishes community identity in key locations.
The plans provide schematic representations of potential development areas at a variety of scales and levels of detail, and may include illustrative configurations for new streets, buildings, parking, open space and circulation as may be appropriate to the area. They are accompanied by descriptive text that explains existing site characteristics, planning challenges, design considerations, and planning goals for each area. These plans are to be used as a general guide for site planning concepts, and should not necessarily be interpreted or applied literally. The actual mix of land uses, locations and configurations of buildings, parking areas, thoroughfares and access points will be determined on a case-by-case basis through development impact studies and the development review process. In some cases, existing land uses and structures are not included in the future land use concepts. However, existing uses and underlying zoning will continue to be respected for all properties. In the event that circumstances change in the future, these plans are intended to provide clear direction to City staff and decision-makers so that development and redevelopment may occur in a well-planned and cohesive manner.
The level of detail provided for each special planning area depends on a number of factors, including: its location within the City’s overall land use planning area and its relationship to other areas of the City; its geographic scale and existing land ownership patterns; the degree to which the area is already developed and/or is expected to redevelop; and the complexity of planning, transportation, or economic development issues relevant to the area.
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