
Building blocks of the Community Plan

Construction services

Eget odio non ac mi. Porttitor diam viverra est suspendisse. Fermentum est interdum.

Interior construction

Lacus non ultrices diam, placerat eu, tincidunt pulvinar lacus. Felis dui aliquet.

Virtual design and construction

Lacus, pretium euismod ut tempus. Enim ante fermentum eget in id ridiculus.

Preconstruction services

Natoque in sed mauris, sagittis. Nec id elementum, diam varius  pharetra. Ullamcorper.

Mission Statement

The City’s broadest public policy directive. 

Dublin City Council adopted the mission statement in 1993 to define the major impetus behind all municipal actions: 

The City of Dublin strives to preserve and enhance the unique high quality offered to those who live or work in our community by providing the vision, leadership and performance standards which allow for managed growth and development. We endeavor to deliver our services cost-effectively, with an emphasis on quality and innovation. The City of Dublin seeks recognition in the field of local government as being responsive, cooperative, and culturally and environmentally sensitive, while embracing the highest standards of integrity and accountability to those we serve. 
Building Blocks

Building blocks that are reflected throughout the Plan 

As the mission statement evolved through the 1997 Community Plan process, individual visioning statements related to critical elements of the Plan were created that represent the community’s values. The following brief descriptions are the building blocks that are reflected throughout the Plan. 


Housing helps define a community’s character and quality of life. A variety of housing opportunities should be available without compromising the integrity of Dublin’s land use policies. 

Regional Cooperation

The City is a vital regional partner in Central Ohio’s growth. The Community Plan must respond to those issues it can influence, such as mass transit, open space preservation and adequate housing. By expanding its partnership role in the region, both cooperatively and as a leader, Dublin can work in concert with communities in the Columbus area and play its role in helping the region achieve greatness.

Growth and Change

Dublin has wisely managed growth and adapted to the changes necessary to protect and enhance the quality of life, community character and fiscal well-being. Dublin has been a high-growth community since the mid-1970s, and is still attractive to corporate offices, high-technology industries and homes. As Dublin continues to manage the environment to protect those qualities that attract both individuals and companies, it must also serve as a steward to ensure that additional growth continues to benefit the community. This means neighborhoods that are protected and maintained; retail development that supports the community; and economic development that is sensitive to the environment. Ultimately, this creates a built environment that is pedestrian-friendly and accented with abundant open space. 

Town Center

A “town center” relates directly to creating a sense of place for Dublin. The city’s traditional core, Historic Dublin, is a unique, vibrant area. It is the place that many residents bring visitors; for some it is the “place” they think of as Dublin. The City’s actions, planned to ensure the long-term vitality of Historic Dublin, are intended to result in a successful, mixed use town center, supporting a wide range of economic, recreational and housing opportunities. The 2013 Plan update incorporates the planning initiatives for a higher density, urban development pattern in the Bridge Street District, which includes Historic Dublin. These planning efforts are intended to build upon and complement the existing walkable, mixed use development pattern of Historic Dublin, situated at the heart of this urban core. As new development takes place nearby and within the Historic District, its vibrant, historical and pedestrian-oriented character must be protected, and enhanced where possible.


The safe and efficient movement of people and goods is necessary for a successful city. Transportation and land use are key components of the Community Plan. By ensuring a well-managed transportation system, the City can help maintain its competitive edge. Pedestrian connections, biking opportunities and mass transit are also important components to ensure a safe and efficient transportation network. 

Tax Base

Dublin’s tax base allows the City to provide a high level of quality public services. Safeguarding and enhancing Dublin’s tax base by encouraging further economic expansion can ensure that the City maintains its exceptional quality of life. A strong economy is based on the ability to attract, retain, expand and create business opportunities that will generate employment and support public services.

Public Services

Public services help define Dublin’s quality of life. The City provides a full range of services from snow removal and traffic management, to waste collection and street tree maintenance. One element of the City’s positive image is a safe and well-maintained community with excellent public services. For example, Dublin’s recycling efforts, among the best in the metropolitan area, further the City’s pioneering environmental efforts. Human service needs, provided through quality recreational, health, and safety programs and facilities, continue to meet the community’s expectations. Providing these services within a fiscally responsible framework is important to maintaining and enhancing quality of life. 

Public Places

Public places are important nodes for interaction and civic participation. Quality public space, such as buildings and parks, are a defining part of Dublin’s quality of life. Future public areas will continue this tradition by providing inviting spaces where the community can come together for cultural, social, athletic, recreational, governmental and civic activities. Dublin’s park and open space systems, comprised of a variety of active and passive sites, have been planned as a connected, well-distributed system throughout the community. Open space is also important as a means to preserve natural features and environmental quality for future generations. 


Dublin is home to excellent public education systems. Outstanding educational opportunity is a hallmark of the local quality of life, as well as a key component for the City’s economic development. Schools also foster public interaction and play an important role in attracting successful corporations. Well-funded and stable public school systems are vital to the neighborhood character of Dublin. 


Consistent with the city’s mission statement, Dublin provides a responsible, professional and open government. Democratic government, as practiced in Dublin, is open to all ideas and issues and protects the individual’s right to participate while promoting the common good. Dublin values participation, interaction and communication and strives to encourage multi-jurisdictional planning efforts.

Community Character

Community character is a product of both the city’s built environment and those intangible characteristics that establish Dublin’s image. Physical elements include dry-laid stone walls, landscaping, excellent site design and abundant open spaces. Intangible factors include community festivals and events; athletic programs and cultural opportunities; school and community groups; community leadership; and the activities of the many service groups within Dublin. These elements combine to create a sense of place and belonging. New development should be woven into this fabric of community service and continued emphasis will be placed on development at a pedestrian scale and orientation. New development will continue to foster a close relationship between nature and the built environment, while protecting the beauty of Dublin’s natural features. The Community Plan aims to preserve and enhance both the tangible and intangible elements that define Dublin’s character and to provide citizens with a greater understanding of the city’s qualities beyond those associated with an individual subdivision or civic organization.


The term ‘sustainability’ has many meanings; it is often associated with ecological preservation, but also has economic and social implications. Dublin strives to be a truly sustainable community through its commitment to environmental protection, fiscal responsibility and community development. Dublin has a long history of implementing forward-thinking development regulations to preserve open space and to protect trees, stream corridors and other environmental features while also accommodating new development. The City has also established itself as a regional leader in eco-friendly innovations such as electric vehicle parking and compressed natural gas. Similarly, Dublin is recognized for its commitment to fiscal health through wise management of tax dollars and strategic investment in public infrastructure. Dublin’s land use policies also underscore a commitment to creating a well-rounded community with a variety of housing options and business development opportunities that will support a diversity of residents and employees. Each of the ‘building blocks’ described above, and as represented throughout this Plan, together represent Dublin’s broad commitment to sustainable development. 

Community Interaction

Dublin fosters community interaction as a means of uniting its residents. As a city, Dublin is not merely a collection of individual homes and neighborhoods. Interaction between city government and its residents and between individual neighborhoods strengthens bonds and weakens barriers, uniting various neighborhoods, age groups, civic organizations, and individuals. This allows Dublin to ensure diversity in building a better community, and in designing public places that provide positive support for neighborhood cooperation. 

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