
Fiscal Analysis


For the 2007 Plan update, TischlerBise, Inc. was contracted by the City of Dublin to conduct a fiscal impact analysis evaluating the overall aggregate impacts of land use scenarios projected to the year 2030, as described in Land Use. The analysis summarized the fiscal impacts of future population and employment growth within the City of Dublin and in potential annexation areas, primarily to the northwest. All results are those accruing from new growth only, and do not include costs and revenues from the existing population and employment base of the city. This fiscal impact analysis was used to determine whether revenues generated by new growth would be sufficient to cover the costs to the city generated by that growth.It should be noted that a separate fiscal impact analysis is being conducted as part of the Bridge Street District planning initiative, the completion of which is anticipated in mid-2013.  Also performed by TischlerBise, the methodology used in this analysis is consistent with the 2007 study.While a fiscal impact analysis is an important consideration in planning decisions, it is only one of several issues which should be considered.  Non-fiscal issues such as the environment, housing affordability, jobs/housing balance, traffic and quality of life must also be considered.  The above notwithstanding, these analyses enable interested parties to understand the fiscal implications of future development.

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